
How To Neutralize Bad Karma?

First of all, what is karma?  Karma denotes a person's actions both good and bad in this birth and also in previous births. The soul carries the karma along with it in each birth. A person will have a blessed future life if his past actions were noble and meritorious. On the contrary he will have a miserable life full of problems if his past deeds were wicked or sinful. So it is actually a cause and effect phenomena. All religions in the world proclaim the same concept in different ways. Newton's third law of motion also states  "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." The law of the universe also highlights the same concept based on the cause and effect theory.  According to vedic astrology the planet saturn is the great karmic judge who will ensure that everyone gets what they deserve according to their past actions. Nobody can escape the dreaded clutches of saturn if they have done wicked or sinful deeds in the past either in this life itself or...

The Three Most Important Things In Life

What does everyone want in this life? What are the most essential things in life?The three most important things in life are health, wealth and happiness. If anyone has these three things in good proportion then he or she can be called a blessed person. Anyone with a  balanced life should have these three blessings in the right proportion. The real truth is that too less of one and too much of another thing will not result in a happy and successful life. If a man is very rich but has poor health and has to visit the doctor frequently or get hospitalized frequently then his life is not really a blessed life.  On the other hand if one has good health but has no money to even feed himself and his wife and children three times a day then it is a very sad situation and he cannot be called a successful man at all. What if a man has good health and is also very rich but has no happiness and peace of mind due to his own self-undoing or his own unlawful activities or due to his enemies...

The Stars Impel But They Do Not Compel

The stars impel but do not compel. It means that the stars and planets create certain circumstances and opportunities in human life to cause the final effect. It may be a good or bad result or outcome. For example the stars may make a person drive hastily and rashly on a certain day or create a situation which may result in an accident on the road. But the final outcome is not dictated by the stars and planets always because everyone has a free will. If a situation arises on the road which may lead to an accident then it can still be avoided by the motorist by driving carefully with patience. This is where the free will becomes significant.  Hence the stars only provoke us or create some circumstances but the outcome can be changed to some extent by being prudent and sensible. In essence the stars control 75% of one's destiny but the remaining 25% is in one's own hands. This is also true for good incidents and good opportunities in life. For example if there is a lucky period i...

Benefits Of Astrology

Astrology is a time-tested science which can be used to get good insights into your future. It will help you to foresee your destiny and shape your future by capitalizing on your gifts and talents. Astrology is like a light which can guide you in the darkness. Without astrology it is impossible to know in advance about your future. Knowing in advance about your future will help you to make necessary preparations and also take  precautions to avoid the pitfalls in life. This is precisely the reason why astrology is sought by many celebrities, scholars, enterpreneurs and other elite people in the society. Astrology will guide you and  help you to be in the right place at the right time and ensure your success.

What Is Success In Life?

What is success in human life? How to measure success?  Will I be successful in my business or financial matters or legal  disputes? These are the questions asked by everyone today.  Actually, it is complicated to exactly define success in life.  What if a man works very hard and amasses huge amount of money but loses his health and peace of mind? What if a man has good health but lives in poverty? Both these categories of people cannot be called successful in life. If a man has all the essential things in life in good  measure then he is deemed to be successful. In other words a man who is happy and contented with what he has can also be called successful. Happiness is a key factor which indicates success in life. There are so many people in this day and age who have lots of money but no peace  of mind and happiness. Some people go through hell in life because of marrying the wrong person. Definitely such people cannot be called successful in life. ...