What Is Success In Life?

What is success in human life? How to measure success? Will I be successful in my business or financial matters or legal disputes? These are the questions asked by everyone today. Actually, it is complicated to exactly define success in life. What if a man works very hard and amasses huge amount of money but loses his health and peace of mind? What if a man has good health but lives in poverty? Both these categories of people cannot be called successful in life. If a man has all the essential things in life in good  measure then he is deemed to be successful. In other words a man who is happy and contented with what he has can also be called successful. Happiness is a key factor which indicates success in life. There are so many people in this day and age who have lots of money but no peace  of mind and happiness. Some people go through hell in life because of marrying the wrong person. Definitely such people cannot be called successful in life.  

From an astrological perspective success in various aspects of life can be seen from the strength of each house in the horoscope. Overall success in life can be assessed from the first house. Success in financial matters can be assessed from the second and eleventh house. Success in marriage can be assessed from the seventh house in the horoscope. Success in competitions,disputes and litigations can be assessed from the sixth house in the horoscope. Success in career and social status can be assessed from the tenth house. If a person has these essential things in life then he will most probably be happy and contented in life. Such a person is  considered to be successful in life. In some rare cases people who are blessed with all the essential things in life are still not satisfied with what they have because of greed or lust or too much ambition or other mental disorders. In astrology these mental disorders occur due to a weak or afflicted moon or rahu or the twelfth house. Such people also cannot be considered as successful in life.  On the other hand there are many people who have moderate amount of money and  only few friends but still quite happy and contented with what they have. They are the really successful people in life.  In the end happiness is only the highest level of success in life!


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